17 Jun 2010

Pepsi will drop its label is Argentina wins the WorldCup

Because the entire world belongs to football for the next few weeks, Pepsi found a way to be close to the supports form Argentina. Even thought, the statistic indicate that Spain or Brazil are the favorites for winning the World Cup, Pepsi still believes in the unexpected, or so they are saying.

The coach of Argentina's national team, Diego Maradona, said a week ago, in an interview that if his team will win, he will celebrate by running naked on the streets of Buenos Aires. Hearing that, Pepsi said they will do the same - "If the coach goes naked, we will too! Pepsi promises." This message is the only thing that it's now covering their bottles, and they will lose that, for a week, as soon as Argentina becomes the world champion in football.

Madalina D.


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