24 May 2013

How social media is used by marketers?

I came across this 2013 Social Media Marketing report from USA that reveals many interesting things about how social media is used by marketers. In the report you can found out what kind of social media platforms are used, how and why. Also future of social media marketing is discussed and much more.

Here are three points that I found interesting:

  1. Youtube holds the top spot for the future plans. 69 % of marketers are focusing their social media marketing future plans to Youtube. Does this means that pictures are already considered to be “old” thing in marketing. I think yes and no. I mean right know pictures are still very popular and nice but if I would be a marketer I would definitely put my money on videos and platforms like Youtube. Everybody loves visual things and when something is visual and pretty and then on the top of that moving, success is guaranteed. Video is the future.
  2.  Marketers want to learn about blogging. 62 % of marketers would like learn more about blogging and use it in their social media marketing. I was a bit surprised by this. I mean blogging become a big thing already a few years ago but apparently it is still doing strong. Maybe marketers are smart and they will focus on video-blogging on the future :)
  3.  Marketers are not sure about whether their facebook marketing is effective. I totally get this. Does “liking” in facebook actually led to any kind of behavior? I mean more people know about you but there are also others channels to get that same publicity. On the other hand the report also revealed that number one benefit of social media marketing is to get to be more known. So is facebook a social media marketing channel that offers only coverage or is there more to it?

 You should definitely read the report! Lots of interesting stuff there. You can find it here: http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/social-media-marketing-industry-report-2013/

-Elli Antikainen

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