4 Jun 2010

Mercedes-Benz: "Sorry"

Launched recently, the new commercial from Mercedes highlights the strong security coming from the car, and also the reactivity of the vehicle under pressure. Without spoiling too much, it's about a man who's driving an e-class car, and who receives a visit from the grim repear... for the rest, the video will be clearer than words.

Clearly, the commercial presents us a funny version of the concept of the Death coming to visit you. The car could even be seen as your guardian angel, preventing your unexpected death. It's funny, simple, short and catchy, and it's easily remindable. Moreover, it's not only the story that is reminded, but also the product, the car, since it's shown in the very beginning, and that it's has a full role in the commercial. Well done.

Angèle Rebergue.

Advertising Agency: Jung von Matt/Neckar, Stuttgart, Germany
Executive Creative Director: Michael Ohanian
Copywriter: Robert Herter
Agency Producer: Vanessa Fischbeck
Producer / Production Company: Bernd T. Hoefflin / Element E, Germany
Director: Alex Feil
D.O.P/Lighting/Kamera: Marc Achenbach
Editor/Editing Company: Timo Fritsche / firsteight
Music: Artist/Title: Maximilian Olowinsky, Felix Müller, Florian Lakenmacher / Supreme Music Sound Design/Arrangement: Ben Meinhof / A.R.T Studios
Postproduction: firsteight / Acht Frankfurt

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