3 Apr 2010

Special K

Special K is a product of the Kellogg’s company.

It is a diet cereal for women or men who want to take care of themselves.
Special K proposes to lose weight or to eat with healthy way.

The brand proposes new meals or new ideas to eat with healthy way and to enjoy of the meal: new tastes, new savor.

In this ad the product is for women, because we see the body of a woman.
The slogan is: drop a jeans size in 2 weeks.

Special K creates this campaign before the summer holidays.

There are 3 parts in the ad with explication: how to reach the objective, how to eat, what are the results.

It is an informative ad which wants to inform customers what is special K and what they can do with this product.

The Special K Company want to give to the customers a good image of the product because they sell a product with explication so the customer know what the product is and what he can do with it to take care of itself or lose weight.


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