3 Apr 2010

From vodafone to your wallet

At the beginning of this week I read an interesting piece of news about Vodafone and it's roaming offers, at least for me because I'm member of this company for many years. I thought it may be interesting for you too since it's Easter holidays and some of us have the luck to spend part of them traveling! :)

Well, Vodafone is a big company in Europe and lately it has improve its roaming tariff within the European union, now they are cheaper than ever! And how to promote it? how to get the message to the public? The agency Scholz & Friends NRW had this special and pretty direct idea (click on the word and watch the video on youtube) and they tried it out in Germany.

Have you watched it yet?
What do you think?

I have no doubt of its legality and big repercussion but isn't it going too far? Isn't it too invasive for the people? Having advertising even in the money?

Leave your comments ;)

RocĂ­o Leza

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