29 Mar 2010

Futurist cars which would talk to each others?

Today I've a funny story to tell you. It's about two cars. They are wheeling, and suddenly meet each other at a crossroad. Do you know what they are saying? Well, to be honest, I don't have a clue about it... not yet. Maybe it would become a famous joke in few years. Why so?

For those who have seen films such as I-Robot or Minority Report, maybe this would have an "already seen" feeling. Recently, the car company General Motors has presented his new "solution for the future": "The Electric-networked vehicle", during a showcase in Shanghai.

The concept? Even if it seems to be giant vacuum-cleaners, it's nontheless cars. Seriously. A really small (and supposed looking like futuristic) and electric one, whose special feature is to communicate with other cars from the same kind. By this way, cars would be able to prevent accidents. It's said that communication is really important for people, is it going to be so for vehicles as well? The answer would come soon.

Angèle Rebergue

Source: daylimail.co.uk

Report from the Shanghai Expo

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