7 Jun 2013

If there's no solution, Spiderman is gonna Bing it

A brand comes as a good thing when its presence gives a touch of realism to a movie scene. However, when a brand is used in a film with the obvious intention of attracting the viewer's attention, even though its placement is questionable, the reactions generated might not be as good as expected. And this is the case with the American superhero movie "The Amazing Spider-Man". A scene that shows the main character, Peter Parker, doing a Bing search was heavily criticized online by the viewers who were trying to suspend their disbelief.

"The ubiquitous product placement was disgusting and absurd," wrote the film critic Nigel Floyd on Letterboxd, a social network entirely dedicated to movie lovers."Peter Parker, a science-loving nerd, uses Bing as his default search engine? He's a nerd! Nerds don't use Bing. Nobody uses Bing!" On Twitter, Chris Baker, a freelance ad agency executive ironically posted: "The Amazing Spiderman is set in an alternate universe where people use Bing to search the Internet."

It's no secret that Microsoft has been trying to introduce the word "bing" into the English language, as a substitute for "search" and "google." Though that hasn't happened, Microsoft keeps insisting, inserting the term in various entertainment properties. Microsoft has paid for Bing to appear in the movie Source Code and the TV show The Vampire Diaries, among others. Microsoft tried, as well, to insert Bing into the AMC drama The Walking Dead, but was unsuccessful. Instead, the company ran an ad that showed two actors in zombie costumes. One, however, just appeared to be an actor and was "binging" the term "eating an actor", as his admirer binged "dating an actor."

If you count the Bing-powered Yahoo, Bing now has about 30% of the search market. Yet, Microsoft's wish to transform Bing into a daily used word still remains unaccomplished.

In the following video, the scene where Parker uses Bing is included among the other errors of the movie. We'll see if, in the next movie that has its release in 2014, the superhero remains faithful to his search engine.

Alexandra Marta
Source: Mashable

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