25 Mar 2012

CTT - Correios de Portugal (that means in English: CTT - Portugal's mail)  is a Portuguese brand of tradicional mail. Actually, is the unique company in Portugal who works with traditional mail, therefore, acts as a monopoly. CTT created some other brands to catch the largest target as possible, because any one can use and have the need to use CTT, but sometimes they have different reasons to use it. So CTT created CTT EXPRESSO (in english: CTT EXPRESS) when you have urgent mail, PAY SHOP to make some deletions, POST CONTACTO (POST CONTACT) to mail about advertisement.

As other one company, CTT has been doing some campaigns in order to improve the sells and the image of the brand in terms of innovation and adapting to the new consumer's needs. 
This time, this company did a strong campaign, in my point of view. The innovation is that you can creat your own stamp, with some image that you want. To do that, you just have to go to the official site, and is very easy, you just have to do four steps. 

The image show us the first step, you have to choose one foto, any one. The next stage, you have to edit the foto that you had choose, then you can see the result and the final step is to buy the stamps. 
Is very easy to creat your own stamp with this CTT's campaign.
This campaign is a proof that this company wants to move closer to its customers, giving them the opportunity to personalize their service, a good marketing strategy.

InĂªs Pereira

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