23 Nov 2010

Vending machines - a trend in distribution?

"Media Markt toGo" - starting december, the successful chain for electronic articles wants to try out new ways of distribution in Germany. Vending machines will be installed in crowded places like airports, train stations and shopping centers. Each of them sells fifty products that do not need a lot of sales advise and can be used while traveling or as gifts like earplugs, cables, mp3 players or digital cameras. Only established quality brands are sold and the prices will be approximately the same as in the stores.

Critiques say that the way from personal service and advise to impersonal machines will result in a less intensive relationship with the consumer. Additionally, the overall “flair” of a store can never be replaced by a vending machine. Nevertheless, they meet the growing demand of the customers for convenient, accessible and fast purchase possibilities and  can therefore result in a  greater market share for companies.

Damaris Stocklassa

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