27 Mar 2010

To lie is a sin, teleport is not

Some months ago the Andes Argentinean beer brand, started an action called the “Andes Teletransporter”.

What's this all about? It could sound weird, teletransportation? is it possible?

What did the company do then?

First of all, it analyzed what its male customers wanted the most regarding its product.

Secondly, amazingly, the company turned it into reality through an innovative and creative idea! Click the next link and you will discover it.

Andes Beer Transporter

Drinking beers and pretending being in the hospital, cinema or dentist at the same time but just for few seconds?I think the idea is good and totally different to what I saw until now. Booths all around Mendoza only with one purpose, that men can go to a bar and share an Andes beer with friends without having any problems with their girlfriends.

Is lying the best solution? Is it fair for the girlfriends? What do you think?

It’s true that I wouldn’t like to be one of those girls to whom their boyfriends lie, but anyway, I’m not in Argentine and I’m single so…great action, and good repercussion!

Paula Cid

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