31 Mar 2010


Logorama is an animation short-film realised in France in 2009. The movie gave more than 3,000 logos a new twist, which are used as decor or characters. It is the story of a pursuit race between the mascot from Michelin and Ronald McDonald, who is the vilain. People have worked 4 years on this project without the agreement of brands (which would certainly not have given their agreement!). According to one of the director, it had for aim to begin a debate about the freedom of expression, which makes possible the mockery of people but not of logos. It had such a success that it gained the Oscar for the best animation short-movie.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksmGnlxXL5s&feature=related (1st part)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7URxWTb6hE (2nd part)

Elise Madacsi

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